Published Papers

Can the PSM Find Best Focus of an F/25 Optical System?

Can the PSM find best focus of an f/25 optical system to less than ± 10 μm? SOMEWHAT SURPRISINGLY, YES, TO ABOUT ± 2 ΜM. You scan axially through best focus several times and plot the number of pixels above threshold versus scan distance. The curve is quadratic and the derivative of the curve fit […]

The Microfinish Topographer and the Solar Telescope

The MicroFinish Topographer helped bring you this spectacular image of the sun. The smoothness criterion on the Daniel K. Inouye Solar Telescope primary mirror was a scatter specification. This was a problem in two respects, the mirror substrate was Zerodur and the scatter angle was too close to specular to measure with a scatterometer. The […]

Rapid Centering Small Lenses Using an Axicon Grating and the PSM

A combination of the Auto Gain function of the Point Source Microscope (PSM) and the use of an Axicon grating make centering of severely misaligned lenses easy. The lenses in the cell are misaligned far enough that light in the center of the aperture barely makes it through the lens. The PSM video screen displays […]

How the PSM Caught a Potential Problem

Recently a customer was using the Point Source Microscope (PSM) to align a slow, singlet objective lens and find its focus.  The customer had a plane retro mirror behind the objective and should have seen a nice round spot at best focus. Instead, he saw a vertical line image as in the following screen shot […]

Prism Alignment Using A Point Source Microscope

1. INTRODUCTION Spherically mounted retroreflectors (SMRs) are an essential part of spatial metrology when using a laser tracker. However, the precision of the laser tracker measurement is no better than the precision with which the cube corner retroreflector is mounted in the spherical ball. Thus measuring the position of the apex of the cube corner […]

Design For Alignment

1. INTRODUCTION The premise of this paper is that the only remaining way to improve optical system performance is with better alignment techniques. We feel optical design is a mature field and that little can be done to improve the design of optical systems by improvements to lens design software. The software may become easier […]
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